Osian Village HomeStay, Jodhpur

A unique Village Homestay in desert countryside of Jodhpur allows travellers to experience authentic rural life in Rajasthan

Village HomeStay in Osian, Rajasthan

Located within driving distance of 85km/ 1.5hours from Jodhpur airport & train station Osian desert countryside and its traditional village life is a better attraction for slow travel people and homestay seekers, if you’ve always wondered how it would feel to live in a Rajasthan's village homestay (traditional huts), this place is your go-to for making that dream come true for you and your loved one.

Osian village homestay Jodhpur

Photo Ideas

Photo ideas from Osiyan village homestay near Jodhpur, Rajasthan.

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The most popular yet offbeat village homestay is HACRA Dhani Osian in quite countyside of Jodhpur desert, for your deam rural experience: A- Plan at least 2night stay in traditional rustic huts home. B- Distance only 18km from Osian train station. C- Trip to Osian temples with village homestay experience to do sunset Camel ride, desert walk or Jeep Safari.

Osian village homestay is located with-in 2hours/81km road drive from Jodhpur (near Osian village). Osian is known for stunning 1000 years old ancient temples and traditional rural living and farming in desert sand.

The desert countyside around Jodhpur offer some great surprises for the slow travellers. Something you absolutely cannot miss here is a village home-stay - not a regular one, but one in the desert! Hit the bush dunes for an exciting desert walks explore the glimpse of rural living and the wildside (flora & fauna).

  • Osian Village Homestays price starting from INR 4500 to INR 6500. However, one has to pay for the different activities they engage in during overnight stay, like camel ride, jeep safari, walking and more. The prices of such activities at Jodhpur village stay may range from INR 950/- to INR 3500/- per person for 2 adults group.

Village Homestay is a property mostly situated in countryside or at active farm offering cultural exchange between a local family (called a host family) and a visiting international traveller (guest). A village home-stay allows guests the opportunity to stay in a warm, welcoming Rajasthani household, rather than in an impersonal hotel, resort, or apartment.

We recommends to book your homestay well in advance as most rural home offers only 5 to 10 bedrooms accommodation. Book via E-mail and Phone/ WhatsApp +91 94 60 58 5154.

Send an e-mail to guidedesert@gmail.com or book by calling to phone number: +91 94 60 58 5154.

Last minutes booking availability over phone but reservation by email or WhatsApp.

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